Filter by location:


CK_2.jpg CK_1.jpg

Claus Knoll

Member of the Board

Location Lindau
HPD_2.jpg HPD_1.jpg

Dr. Hans-Peter Duwe

Chairman of the Board

Location Lindau
UD_2.jpg UD_1.jpg

Ute Duwe

Member of the Board

Location Lindau


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Marcel Weible

Head of Sales

Location Lindau
SME_2.jpg SME_1.jpg

Sandra Meurer

Technical Sales

Location Homeoffice
FB_2.jpg FB_1.jpg

Fabrice Butscher

Internal Sales & Partner Coordination

Location Lindau
NR_2.jpg NR_1.jpg

Nicole Rosenberger

Technical Sales

Location Homeoffice
SKI_2.jpg SKI_1.jpg

Stephanie Kirschner


Location Lindau
EC_2.jpg EC_1.jpg

Ersin Canlier


Location Homeoffice
DC_2.jpg DC_1.jpg

Dario Commendatore


Location Homeoffice
MK2.jpg MK1.jpg

Markus Kresser


Location Lindau
BA_2.jpg BA_1.jpg

Birgit Auer

Internal Sales

Location Lindau
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Isabel Müller

Internal Sales

Location Lindau

Customer Success

TN_2.jpg TN_1.jpg

Thomas Neudert

Head of Customer Sucess

Location Leipzig
MP_2.jpg MP_1.jpg

Martin Passauer

Customer Success / Training & Support

Location Leipzig
SN_2.jpg SN_1.jpg

Sören Neubert

Customer Success / Training & Support

Location Leipzig
JST_2.jpg JST_1.jpg

Jan Ströker

Customer Success / Training & Support

Location Homeoffice

Customer Service

JH_2.jpg JH_1.jpg

Jessica Haase

Head of Customer Service

Location Lindau
OV_2.jpg OV_1.jpg

Ole Vieth

Training & Support

Location Homeoffice
AS_2.jpg AS_1.jpg

Andreas Stephan

Consulting & Coordination Training

Location Lindau
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Claas Kubanke

Training & Support

Location Leipzig
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Christoph Kober

Training & Support

Location Lindau
TT_2.jpg TT_1.jpg

Thomas Theurer

Training & Support

Location Homeoffice
JBE_2.jpg JBE_1.jpg

Julia Bernhardt

Training & Support

Location Lindau
PF_2.jpg PF_1.jpg

Patrick Fasser

Training & Support

Location Lindau
HS_2.jpg HS_1.jpg

Holger Schuck

Training & Support

Location Homeoffice
MC_2.jpg MC_1.jpg

Michel Challier

Schulung & Support

Location Lindau

Customer Projects

TK_2.jpg TK_1.jpg

Tobias Knoke

Head of Customer Projects

Location Lindau
MS_2.jpg MS_1.jpg

Martin Štih

Customer Projects / Training & Support

Location Lindau
MGA_1.jpg MGA_2.jpg

Matthias Gaube

Customer Projects / Training & Support

Location Lindau
DH_2.jpg DH_1.jpg

Daniel Hetke

Customer Projects / Training & Support

Location Lindau


AFR_2.jpg AFR_1.jpg

Alexander Frener

Head of Development

Location Lindau
JEM_2.jpg JEM_1.jpg

Jörg Empen

Specialist CMM / Training & Support

Location Lindau
WK_2.jpg WK_1.jpg

Wojciech Korycki


Location Lindau
JD-2-NEU_1200_x_1200.jpg JD-1-NEU_1200_x_1200.jpg

Jürgen Dinges

Development / Training & Support

Location Lindau
TR__2.jpg TR_1.jpg

Thorsten Rehbogen


Location Lindau

Human Resources & Finances

MBU_2.jpg MBU_1.jpg

Michaela Bucher

Head of Personnel

Location Lindau
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Daniela Müller

Personnel and Finances

Location Lindau
MSO_2.jpg MSO_1.jpg

Mert Solmaz

Working student finance

Location Lindau


PG_2.jpg PG_1.jpg

Petra Grassmann

Head of Administration

Location Lindau
EB_2.jpg EB_1.jpg

Evi Bisinger


Location Lindau
SM_2.jpg SM_1.jpg

Sabine Mies


Location Lindau
ASC_2.jpg ASC_1.jpg

Anica Schöbel


Location Leipzig
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Almut Frierson


Location Lindau


AST_2.jpg AST_1.jpg

Armin Strasser

Head of Marketing

Location Lindau


KS_2.jpg KS_1.jpg

Kathrin Stephan

Head of IT

Location Lindau
SG_2.jpg SG_1.jpg

Simon Grempel


Location Lindau